Important notice for users who are foreign nationals.
Can foreign nationals rent vehicles from Yamaha Bike Rental?
Vehicles can be rented by persons that meet the below conditions.
The user must hold one of the following licenses
- Japanese driver’s license
- International Driving Permit governed by a road traffic convention (the Geneva Convention)
- Foreign driver’s license for automobiles, etc.
Currently applicable for : Swiss Confederation, Federal Republic of Germany, French Republic,
Kingdom of Belgium, Principality of Monaco, Republic of China (Taiwan)
(countries or regions that do not issue an International Driving Permit but whose licensing systems are recognized as being equivalent to Japan)
(must be accompanied by a Japanese translation prepared by a person stipulated by Japanese government ordinance)
The user must be capable of understanding explanations given by in-store staff in Japanese about leasing, reparation, insurance, and other necessary items. An interpreter cannot be used.
Do not use machine translation or translation applications. -
Rental fees must be paid by credit card. Credit cards belonging to the person making the payment or their family (parents, spouse, children, co-habiting family members, etc.) *1 are accepted.
The type of credit card accepted differs according to the store.When using our services, the user must present a driver’s license that is valid in Japan and their passport. Please check the permitted period for use in Japan and class of vehicle before use.
- *1
- Important point for payments in a family name
The person named on the credit card must attend the store in person and present proof of their identity *2. Please bring one proof of identity document. - *2
- Proof of identity documents
- Driver’s license
- My Number card
- Passport
- Basic resident register card (with photograph)
- Identification booklet for the physically handicapped
- Residence card
- Special permanent resident certificate
- 日本駕照
- 依照國際道路交通公約(日內瓦公約)核發的國際駕照
- 駕駛汽車等的相關外國駕照。
不可以使用翻譯器/翻譯應用程式。 -
租車前,須先確認能在日本駕駛的期限,以及可駕駛的車別。- ※1
- 以家人名義刷卡時的注意事項
信用卡持卡人須親自到場,並出示持卡人的身分證明文件※2。請事先準備以下任一種身分證明文件。 - ※2
- 身分證明文件包括:
- 駕照
- MY NUMBER CARD(※個人編號卡)
- 護照
- 附照片的住民基本台帳卡
- 身心障礙手冊
- 在留卡(※日本居留簽證)
- 特別永住者證明書(※日本永久居留簽證)